Where to find us
CB24 4RS
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We believe that ‘Achievement Leads to Opportunity and Choice’ and our three core values underpin and drive all that we do for our students:
Irrespective of starting point, family background or ability each and every child that walks through our school doors deserves a quality first education.
This is an exciting time for us as we move towards being a truly exceptional school. Our reputation is growing and our challenge now is not just to sustain but to surpass our recent GCSE performances, to lead the way on pedagogy, to deliver effective and exciting learning at the highest level and to become a beacon school for training, research and professional development.
We support applications from candidates who understand and support our approach to teaching and learning. Imaginative and committed, you will have a passion for your subject, high standards of professionalism and high expectations of students
Ruth Hollingsworth, Headteacher
Joining Mercia Learning Trust means being part of an exceptional team of staff committed to continuous improvement, partnership and securing positive outcomes for every pupil. Our multi-academy trust is one of the strongest and most effective in the region.
You will work in an exceptional school, alongside a strong team of professionals, with great students.
We share the same mission and moral purpose to ensure every pupil, whatever their background, will attend an exceptional school.
We believe pupils should enjoy school, feel safe and fully supported, be inspired to learn, develop character and aspiration, and realise their full potential.
We are so committed to pupil success and well-being that we choose to think of every pupil as if they are our own, and to measure our actions and impact against this.
Neil Miley, CEO
Where to find us
CB24 4RS